Body time

We say we hack life in an attempt to eke more out of our finite time and energy. In many cases, this means we’re hacking our bodies. The danger of ignoring our body clocks is not always evident. Eventually, the resilience to abuse burns away. Bodies present complex arrangements of symptoms we may never recognize as having roots in our temporalities.

Witness & Trauma: A Reflection

When Angie dug her fingers into my shoulders, I sighed. When she found the knots of my levator scapulae, even her hands, which were large and corded with muscles, couldn’t press too hard or go too deep. But when it was time for me to lie on my back and she brushed the skin over… Continue reading Witness & Trauma: A Reflection

Welcome to my Invisible Sun blog.

When winter—figurative or literal—presses you to the ground, what fires you up to take your next helping of life? What’s your invisible sun? For me, the answer is art—which I define very broadly, by the way. Writing is my trade as well as my main artistic squeeze, but sometimes words are both too much and… Continue reading Welcome to my Invisible Sun blog.